Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Lord of the Flies Q#7

are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.
The setting that was memorable is the place where the pig’s head is. I think the boys had many feelings and conflicts at that place. The pig’s head is symbolized as the lord of the flies; which is the greatest fear to the boys. It is also the place where Simon had figured out what the real beast is. That place is very disturbing and fearful place. I don’t like it when boys go there, because it seems like something bad will happen. It is also important place in the current of the novel, because it shows the theme of the novel, that the boys are the beast. I also think that, the place and the pig’s head implies lots of meanings. The pig’s head is devil, and the boys became like the devil because of their fear to the head. Another setting that was memorable for me was the beach. Both of the dead boys’ blood was washed away in that beach. When I think of that beach, I think of those two boys, both were washed away by the ocean. The beach is like graveyard for Simon and Piggy. The utmost part of the rising action and the climax happened near the beach. So it gave me a strong impression on the beach; the rising action and the climax made me to imagine the scene on the beach. Both of the settings are somewhat frightening and imply meanings. The overall story’s mood was depressing and very dark, so I think the setting will be also very dark places.

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