Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Lord of the Flies Q#4

what is the climax of the novel? what happens?
how do the events of this novel make you feel?
The climax of the novel is when piggy died. Jack and his boys had attacked to Ralph’s base and took away Piggy’s glasses and fire. Ralph and Piggy got mad, so they decided to bring those back. They took the conch with them, to show that Jack doesn’t have the conch but they do. So when they went to Jack’s place the conflict started between Jack and Ralph. They were fighting and arguing. But then Roger rolled a huge rock toward Piggy. Piggy couldn’t dodge and the huge rock hit the conch and Piggy. The conch was all cracked and gone, and Piggy was hit by the rock and fell 40ft down to the red rock. He hit his back on the sharp rock and he was dead; the body was gone with the wave. When I read this, I felt terrible for Piggy and wanted to kill Roger. And I realized that Roger represents the pure evil and wrongness. The way Roger killed Piggy intentionally made me mad and couldn’t believe that little boy had done such a terrible thing. I also thought that they were very foolish to kill both intelligent boys; they were totally out of control. I can see that Golding is trying to tell that people in World War 2 were like Jack and his boys; especially Roger. The way Piggy died seemed to me that the antagonist side is winning and protagonist side was losing. This part was the utmost part showing how much the boys have changed.

1 comment:

Apple said...

hi~ This is Eric Lee, Apple~

I agree with your idea to say that the climax part is when piggy dies. I was little bit excited that piggy was dead! but it was also sad too.
You picked the climax part very well and described it

good good